Periodontal Therapy


Periodontal Therapy

Around 30% of the population suffers from gum disease, and this oral condition is the number one cause of tooth loss in adults. By following good oral hygiene practices and getting cleanings and periodontal therapy at Dental Wellness for Bartow, you can manage this condition and prevent it from damaging more oral tissue.

man getting periodontal therapy

What Is Gum Disease?

Your mouth harbors millions of bacteria, both beneficial and harmful. Bacteria pump toxins into the gums, forming sticky plaque that adheres to the teeth. Gums react to these bacteria with an inflammatory response directed by the immune system. This process can lead to the following problems:

  • Bleeding gums
  • Pain and discomfort
  • A tooth abscess
  • Bone deterioration
  • Tooth loss

How Do We Diagnose Gum Disease?

To diagnose and grade gum disease, we rely on objective clinical data. Our dentist or hygiene team will measure and chart the gum collar around each tooth using a small measuring device. If measurements go beyond three millimeters and include bleeding areas, it indicates the presence of the disease. Deeper measurements suggest more advanced stages.

We also consider factors like gum texture and tooth movement and examine the bone around your teeth using digital X-rays. Combining all these findings can give us a clear understanding of your gum condition.

How Can Periodontal Therapy Help?

Periodontal therapy is a thorough gum disease treatment involving deep cleaning, removing harmful substances, and following at-home practices.

After diagnosing the severity of gum disease, we will develop a treatment plan with you. In milder cases with minimal or no bone loss, our hygiene team will bring the condition under control with cleanings in one or two visits. In more advanced cases, we will numb the area, remove mineralized tartar and infected tissue below the gum line, and polish teeth to create smooth surfaces.

We may also suggest additional measures like medicated rinses, electric toothbrushes, or a Waterpik to support your ongoing efforts.

Do Your Gums Need Periodontal Therapy in Bartow, FL?

Take control of your gum health today with our comprehensive periodontal therapy. Say goodbye to gum disease and hello to a brighter, healthier smile by scheduling your appointment now!