We're thrilled to announce that we are now offering Moderate IV sedation, a fantastic option for patients with high anxiety or dental phobia. This sedation method allows you to remain conscious but deeply relaxed during your dental procedures, ensuring a more comfortable and stress-free experience. during dental procedures. That's why we offer IV sedation, a safe but strong method to ensure your comfort on your upcoming dental visit.
Some sedation options aren't enough to control your anxiety and discomfort during dental procedures. That's why we offer IV sedation, a safe but strong method to ensure your comfort on your upcoming dental visit.
IV sedation, also known as intravenous or conscious sedation, is used to induce deep relaxation and alleviate anxiety during dental procedures. Our skilled professionals administer this sedation method by delivering medication through a small needle inserted into a vein. Since sedatives go straight to the bloodstream, they act almost immediately, and we can adjust sedation levels throughout the procedure.
During IV sedation, we carefully monitors your vital signs and ensures your safety. The sedative medications used in IV sedation are calming, reducing anxiety and discomfort. While you remain conscious and able to respond to verbal cues, you will experience a profound sense of relaxation. Many patients also report little or no memory of the procedure due to the amnesic properties of IV sedation.
IV sedation is very beneficial for many dental procedures and situations, such as:
The duration of IV sedation effects varies depending on the person and type of medication. While the soothing effect usually lasts until the procedure is over, you may still experience drowsiness and grogginess for a few hours. We recommend having a responsible adult accompany you and assist you in getting home safely after your visit.
At Dental Wellness of Bartow, your comfort and well-being are our top priorities. If you're interested in the benefits of IV sedation for your next dental visit, we invite you to book an appointment with us today!