Oral Sedation


Oral Sedation

Visits to the dentist are a source of stress and fear for many patients. At Dental Wellness of Bartow, we can alleviate those worries through oral sedation, a non-invasive and effective method to help you sail through your appointment.

man getting a teeth cleaning

How Does Oral Sedation Work?

The oral sedation process involves taking sedative medications, usually as a pill or liquid, before your dental appointment. As the anti-medication takes effect, you will remain conscious and responsive but experience a deep sense of calm, making your dental treatment more manageable and pleasant.

While your treatment is performed, Dr. Stidham will monitor your vital signs to make sure you’re relaxed and safe.

Is Oral Sedation Safe?

When administered by our skilled dental team, oral sedation is safe for most patients. However, you must give us your complete medical history, including any medications or supplements you take. This information allows us to tailor the sedation approach to your needs and ensure you're safe from beginning to end.

Benefits of Oral Sedation

  • Makes your time in the dental chair more comfortable.
  • Helps minimize your memory of the dental procedure, alleviating anxiety for future visits.
  • Enables our dental team to complete your treatment in less time and reduce the required appointments.
  • Can be safely used alongside laughing gas for an even deeper feeling of relaxation.

Is Oral Sedation Always Necessary?

Even though many patients don't need oral sedation, consider getting it if you fall into any of the following categories:

  • You suffer from severe dental anxiety or fear
  • You have a sensitive gag reflex
  • You require extensive dental work or multiple procedures done in a single visit
  • You have special needs or difficulty sitting still for extended periods

How to Get Ready for Oral Sedation

Preparing for your oral sedation appointment is straightforward. We will give you detailed guidelines before your visit, such as avoiding food and drink for a specified period before the procedure, arranging transportation to and from our office, and following other specific instructions we provide.

Ready to Relax with Oral Sedation in Bartow, FL?

Don't let dental anxiety hold you back. Have a relaxing and anxiety-free dental experience by scheduling an appointment with Dental Wellness of Bartow today.